All posts by Alex Kamsteeg


Swift simplicity

A few years back I visited a big car event with a few guys from the now defunct Grunnmeet car club. Just a few months prior to that, two brothers introduced themselves on the forum of that club and they said they would come too. And on the day of the event they showed up in an old Suzuki Swift, with a very tiny one litre engine.
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Events: Breaking records at Syntix Speedmasters

A few weeks back the Wangan Warriors blog team went almost full force to an event called Syntix Speedmasters. It was an event I was really looking forward to for various reasons. First, it would be one of the very few events we would cover with multiple team members. Second, and most importantly, it promised to be a weekend filled with tyre smoke and roaring engines. Continue reading


Car life: Roadtrippin’

I, as you do, like cars. I love to watch races, I love to wrench on cars, I love to photograph them and above all, I love to drive them. Driving a car still feels special to me, even after the hundreds of thousands of kilometres I’ve driven so far. The sheer pleasure of controlling a big powerful machine that stimulates all your senses is still a great feeling. Hearing the engine work, feeling the car through your spine, smelling all the fumes, ‘speaking’ with the car with your hands through the steering wheel. But best of all, it comes in all forms and shapes. Some spirited driving or just cruising around with the windows, or better yet the top down on a beautiful evening? You can do both with just one car. Continue reading


Events: DMPD trackday – A track day like no other

Track days are all having the same routine. You arrive at the track, you prepare your car, you race and you go home. Most of the time with a bit of social interaction between sessions, but not too much because you need, want, to drive on the track. It’s fun, I admit it, and I really enjoy photographing them because of the huge smiles on the driver’s faces and the variety of cars on the track. Continue reading