Every now and then I’m looking around for cars to shoot and this week I asked Wouter Vallen from Co-OrdSport NL if he had something in mind. I know for a fact that he had some cool cars over at his shop from customers but I had a special request to shoot a GT86 for once. Of course he knows a few people in the scene so he contacted one of his partners at Toyota for me.
So I was at work and in the afternoon I got a message with the question if I wanted to shoot the only gt86 with a TRD body kit in our country. Yes I’m in for that!
After work I decided to go to Wouter to have a chat about it and catch up a little. One of his customers came in to pick up a few parts and this is when I met Chris Dreezen who came along.
Chris works at Toyota Mengelers and is probably able to give us the oppertunity to shoot the TRD GT86 in the near future. We were talking about what kind of coverage we could make of it and we will probably do some kind of a driving experience blog about it. Chris lives in the very south of our country where we have georgeous roads, nice hairpins and up and downhill routes.
He also has his own company called Katana-Performance so check out his website if your intrested! I’m glad to have met him and knowing that he’s able to help us out so we can capture some pretty exclusive coverage for our blog.
I’m also planning to go a night out with Wouter from Co-OrdSport and shoot his R33 GTR. We’ve been planning this for a while but each time something came inbetween, however I assure you that this will happen in the near future as well. I already have some cool photo locations in mind in our city centre.
So that’s what happens when you visit one of the local motorsports companies, you meet some nice people again and you’re planning some cool blog coverage while becoming acquainted.
Stay tuned for that GT86 and the GTR!!
-Rens Adams