Tag Archives: car culture


WNGN Guests: Words from Barbados

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. What better way to pick up the pace with content again by starting with a WNGN guest feature from the Caribbean. Get ready for Carnival, palmtrees and Piña Coladas. Take it away Alexandre!

Hey everyone! My name is Alexandre​ ​Haynes​, and I’m a Photographer​ ​from Sleeper Forest, a blog about Caribbean Car Culture. Take some time to go look it up, I promise it won’t disappoint you. I am from a tiny island in the Caribbean, called Barbados. Continue reading


A Hairdressers Perspective – Introducing Bop Westerduin

私は床屋だ、これは私の車です. Not really though, but it is best to not take ourselves too seriously in this hobby. Or in life. It is my personal opinion that when you are open to different people, tastes and cultures you meet a lot of interesting people and stumble upon a lot of interesting thing. “What has this guy smoked that makes him ramble like this?”, you might ask. Well nothing to be honest, but this look at life is indirectly responsible for me sitting here writing this first paragraph. And everyone knows first paragraphs are always the hardest. Therefore, let me no longer bore you with my profoundness and allow me to introduce myself first. Continue reading